Payment & Delivery

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We provide convenient payment options for our customers: cash and non-cash.

Cash payment is possible when picking up the goods from our warehouse; to check the availability of the goods, please contact our managers. Also, to pick up the order, you should wait for a notification of its readiness.

If the client cannot pick up the goods themselves, the manager will issue an invoice, which can be paid through a banking application or by visiting a bank branch. The funds will be credited to our company's account within three days after payment.

The same conditions apply to non-cash payments. It is important to remember that the goods are shipped only after the funds have been credited to our account.

We use specialized logistics companies to deliver equipment. Thanks to long-term cooperation with leading carriers, we provide fast and favorable terms of delivery by road or rail. If you need the services of another transport company or other types of delivery, please contact our manager and we will consider your option. Free delivery is provided to our key clients and business partners. In addition, from time to time we hold promotions and bonus programs on our website, which allows you to get free delivery.To calculate the approximate terms and cost of delivery, you can use the websites of transport companies. The overall dimensions of the goods are indicated in its technical specifications. Please note that the information on the cost and delivery times on the websites of carriers is approximate. For more detailed information, contact our manager.

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